
Replace the gas hose should note the following

(1)hose connection, turn off the Safety Valve, and then using a dedicated gas nozzle joints, then code with throat tightened.
(2) The hose length should be less than 2 meters. Hoses must not produce bend, stretch, foot and so on. Cracked, aging of the hose should not be used.
(3) The hose should not be installed at the following locations: a flame and radiant heat of the place, shelter. Hose, not across the windows, through the use of the house off the wall.
(4) Do not close the hose and the stove. For desktop stove, do not hose or across the disc below, should step aside bypass hose if the next, do not let the flames burn from a height to. Embedded stove, hose not close below the stove. Hoses should naturally droop under cooktop, maintain a distance of more than 10 cm in length should not be more than two meters, to avoid being blown fire burned.
(5) installed hose, soapy water to detect leaks. Open the gas valve switch to see if there is a continuous bubbling, and if so, it indicates that leakage and unsafe.

